Saturday, December 30, 2006

Giants at Redskins: Lies, More Lies And Complaints...The Story Of The 2006 Redskins And Giants

New York Giants (7-8) vs. Washington Redskins (5-10)
8:00 p.m. FedEx Field

Let’s start with the obvious. The Washington Redskins did not sign Ladell Betts to a five year extension so he could be Clinton Portis’ backup. If you want a third down back, or a change of pace back, you sign him to a two year deal. Three years max. You don’t commit several million dollars a year for five years to a back that you don’t expect to take the bulk of the carries.

Whatever the Redskins coaches and front office is telling you is a lie. Of course they’re not going to say that they’re going to shop or trade Portis in the offseason. Once you do that, you lose all leverage (look what happened to Philly with A.I.). Read between the lines here. First, the five year deal is a red flag. Second, the way the coaches talk about Betts and the fact that they “like how he fits in our offense.” While this is a compliment to Betts, it is also a double-ended insult directed at Portis. If the coaches just wanted to talk nice about Betts, they would talk about his individual efforts. Not his place on the team or in the offense. Third, the complete disappearance of Portis from the training facilities is another warning sign. Injured players still show up to team headquarters and still watch practices (unless very seriously hurt). Most even go to the home games. Has anyone seen Portis on the sideline recently? Has anyone seen him interviewed following Redskins practices? Portis has never met a microphone he didn’t like. This is one of the biggest developing stories in the D.C. sports scene, and if Portis wasn’t worried about being dealt, or if the Redskins weren’t considering dealing him and keeping him quiet, we would have seen Portis interviewed recently. Instead, he’s nowhere to be found.

If the Redskins trade Portis, it would be a huge mistake. First off, they wouldn’t get an equal return on what they traded for him three years ago. No one is going to trade a first round pick for a running back (unless you are offering LT). Most importantly however, is the fact that Betts is not built to sustain himself through a 16 game season. Betts is much smaller than Portis. In terms of height, Betts is not much taller than me. While I love his straight ahead style, at his size, Betts is going to get himself killed before he even sees the majority of his contract. The one thing Betts doesn’t know how to do is take a hit. All the great running backs have been able to do this. From Barry Sanders to Tomlinson, the best backs know when to stop their run and protect their body. That’s why Sanders was relatively healthy for so long and players like Earl Campbell had his career end prematurely. Sanders realized that his 5’9” frame couldn’t take the typical beating. So he learned to protect his body. Betts doesn’t do that. He hits the hole – and any defender in his way – straight on. I like Betts. I really do. But you watch. Without Portis, and with Betts carrying 25-30 times a game for 16 weeks, by the second year of that new contract he’ll start missing games here and there to “soreness”. Then he’ll have mysterious knee injuries that never get better. Ailments that would cause him to miss practice will all of a sudden balloon into three week injuries. Betts is not built to run the way he does and play 16 games a year. You can’t argue with biology and physics.

Now speaking of microphones, someone please take them away from Adam Archuleta. Shut up you goon. How can this guy possibly bitch about playing time and his role in the defense? He can’t cover anybody and he expects to play? You’re a safety. You’re main goal is to make sure no one gets behind you. You can’t do that. And you expect to play? He complains that the coaching staff lied to him about his role in the defense. He says that he didn’t expect to be a cover safety after being a linebacker-safety hybrid in St. Louis. How could he not know that’s what the defense wanted? They already had Sean Taylor. You can’t have two attack safeties in the same defense. That doesn’t work.

Even if Archuleta didn’t expect to be a cover safety, he should still know how to cover receivers. I thought that was one of the basics of being a safety in the NFL. If he wants to be a linebacker then great. Go put on 30 pound and learn how to tackle (something else he’s bad at). Otherwise, shut up, learn to cover basic fly routes and earn your playing time like everybody else.

Less than a year ago, the Washington Redskins were on their way to beating the Eagles and clinching a playoff berth. The franchise was on the way up. So, um, what happened exactly? How did we get to this point, when the Redskins try to play spoiler to the Giants. My answer to that question will come at a later date. However, it can be wrapped up in five words: injuries, conservative play-calling and Jason Campbell.

Even though the Redskins season has been a severe disappointment, and even though it seems the club is in constant turmoil, nothing can match the outfit coming in to FedEx Field this weekend. The Giants have…how do you say it…problems. The offense doesn’t like the defense. Michael Strahan, despite being on the I.R. and being irrelevant, doesn’t like the media coverage. The receivers and that obnoxious tight end don’t like Eli Manning. And everyone hates Tom Coughlin.

In other words, things are pretty normal in Jersey. When the Redskins went to the Meadowlands in week 5, the exact same scenario was playing out. At the beginning of the season, the Giants used all the negatives as fuel to get off to a pretty decent and somewhat surprising start. But now, as I said back in October, all their problems have caught up to them.

To label the Giants disappointments is an understatement. Sure, they could win this game, avoid the bizarre tie-breaking scenario with Green Bay and make the playoffs. But does it matter? They’ll be bounced immediately, just like Dallas and Philly will be (although I guess that’s not entirely true, seeing as Philly will probably host either Dallas or New York in the first round). Either way, an 8-8 season, even an 8-8 playoff season, is not cause for celebration. It isn’t exactly like the Giants “Redskined” their way to a playoff birth. To say that they backed in can’t even begin to describe it. Look for Coughlin to be fired regardless of the outcome in this game. I would be shocked if he’s back in New York next season.

As for the game itself, I don’t know if the Giants are capable of winning a road game. Manning still hasn’t proven that he can consistently win on the road. At the beginning of the season I said that would be New York’s undoing. As it turns out I was sort of wrong. Yes, Manning still can’t win on the road. But he can’t consistently win at home either. He stinks everywhere. The fact that Phillip Rivers – a quarterback who still can’t throw the ball properly – is better than him right now, says a lot. 2007 will be a huge fork in the road year in Manning’s career. He either fixes his problems next season, or he’ll be fixing himself a spot on the bench.

Jeremy Shockey, in a very revealing reflection on his character, won’t play because of mysterious ailments. What a pussy. Way to give up on your team. Pro-bowl my ass. The two lines for the Giants have been banged up and no one has any idea who will start at a handful positions. And there is still no word whether Tiki Barber will be wearing his uniform on the field or wearing a suit in the broadcast booth (Barber working games next season as a broadcaster is a disgrace to the entire profession. Hopefully no one hires him, but I know better than to hold my breath on that one.).

The Giants are a mess, and might be playing the worst football in the entire NFL right now outside of Detroit and Oakland. Still, if there’s something the Redskins do well, it’s give crummy opponents chances to stay in games. Example number one is the loss last week to St. Louis. The Redskins get up 28-14, get conservative (surprise, surprise) and lose the game in overtime. Jason Campbell continues to look nothing but mediocre. The defense is completely unrecognizable when compared to last season. And for the love of God, can we get a new punter? Please. Preferably someone who can kick more than 30 yards. I know a guy down the street who can punt more than 30 yards on a consistent basis. There have to be hundreds of punters out there who can do this. Find one.

Ugh, I’m so tired of complaining about the same things week in and week out. Thank goodness this is the last week I have to write about the Redskins. If I can summon the stomach, I’ll try to put a pretty bow on a downright nasty season sometime during the playoffs. I can’t end the season on this incomplete, ranting, worthless note. So I’m not quite finished with the 2006 Redskins.

If the Giants win, that means all other NFC East teams make the playoffs. Yuck. I know I said that Philly wouldn’t make the playoffs. Ok, I was wrong on that. But back in August I said that all four teams in the East could finish anywhere in the division and not surprise me. I also said that the only team in the East that had a legitimate shot at a Super Bowl once they made the playoffs would be the Redskins. And although the Redskins are clearly not in the playoff race, I’m correct in my prediction. There is too much turmoil in Dallas and New York. Both teams are playing the exact opposite brand of football that you’re looking for in a playoff team. The Cowboys players don’t believe in one another. The Giants players don’t believe in one another and their coaching staff. And Philadelphia is Philadelphia. The town is filled with losers. The Eagles have to lose. That’s Philly’s identity. Does anyone really think that Jeff Garcia is going to lead a team anywhere near a Super Bowl? Are you crazy?

Hopefully the Redskins go out on a high note, knock these silly Giants out of a downright ugly playoff race and then get to sit back and watch Philly and Dallas go out quickly in the first round. Betts will have another 100 yard game. Campbell will have the best game of his short season. The defense will be just good enough to hold the Giants in check. Oh what the heck, the Redskins will win.

Since I don’t feel like talking about the millions of playoff scenarios featuring millions of bad teams, I’ll just wait until the playoffs. So no, I won't get the chance to make fun of the Dolphins for starting a quarterback named Cleo Lemon. Nor will I try to figure out how Kansas City, Cincinnati and Jacksonville won't make the playoffs while a handful of terrible NFC teams do. And I guess this is my last chance to take pot shots at the Lions (They. Are. Bad). But I’ll make some picks for the sake of the records…which by the way, look like this:
Overall: 147-78 (65%)
Vs. Spread: 128-88-9

Pittsburgh Steelers (7-8) vs. Cincinnati Bengals (8-7)(-6)
Pick: Bengals

Detroit Lions (2-13) vs. Dallas Cowboys (9-6)(-13)
Pick: Cowboys

Cleveland Browns (4-11) vs. Houston Texans (5-10)(-5)
Pick: Texans, Browns cover

Miami Dolphins (6-9) vs. Indianapolis Colts (11-4)(-9)
Pick: Colts

Jacksonville Jaguars (8-7) vs. Kansas City Chiefs (8-7)(-2)
Pick: Chiefs

St. Louis Rams (7-8)(-2) vs. Minnesota Vikings (6-9)
Pick: Rams

Carolina Panthers (7-8) vs. New Orleans Saints (10-5)(-2)
Pick: Panthers

Oakland Raiders (2-13) vs. New York Jets (9-6)(-11.5)
Pick: Jets

Seattle Seahawks (8-7) vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (4-11)(-3)
Pick: Seahawks

New England Patriots (11-4) vs. Tennessee Titans (8-7)(-3)
Pick: Titans

Buffalo Bills (7-8) vs. Baltimore Ravens (12-3)(-10)
Pick: Ravens, Bills cover

Atlanta Falcons (7-8) vs. Philadelphia Eagles (8-7)(-8)
Pick: Eagles, Falcons cover

San Francisco 49ers (6-9) vs. Denver Broncos (9-6)(-11)
Pick: Broncos, 49ers cover

Arizona Cardinals (5-10) vs. San Diego Chargers (13-2)(-13)
Pick: Chargers

Green Bay Packers (7-8) vs. Chicago Bears (13-2)(-3)
Pick: Packers

I’ll be back at full strength next weekend as the playoffs, or whatever they’re calling the catastrophe in the NFC, get under way. Hope everyone has a fun and safe New Year’s, and I’ll see you back here in 2007.


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