Sunday, February 26, 2006


Yeah, I know. I missed all the ACC games yesterday. I was trying to do something different. I was actually going to write about the Redskins and the salary cap situation. I had the post all ready to go. Then I figured that I should wait until the end of the week to see what kind of moves the Skins make to get under the cap and if the NFL's CBA actually gets done. Plus, I was busy yesterday running errands and actually picking up some overtime at the old job. So nothing got done. My fault.

It appears that most owners are trying to screw the Redskins this season by not extending the CBA and forcing the Skins to cut a lot of salary (With a new CBA, the Skins could restructure contracts until the cows come home to get under the cap. Without a new CBA, restructuring contracts would only help to a point. It's called the "30% Rule". It's very complicated and I won't deal with it here.). However, the joke will be on them. After 2006, there will be no salary cap and the NFL will degenerate into a financial system that is similar to Major League Baseball's. The richest teams will monopolize all the talent. Guess which team is worth the most money and guess which team will spend the most. If you guessed that team in Landover, you're right. So while the NFL owners continue to try and mess with Dan Snyder this season, he'll have the last laugh soon enough. It would be in most owner's best interest to get this CBA thing done now.

On a positive note, I'm hearing that most of the CBA's tough issues have been resolved this weekend, and that only small differences are stopping the deal from being done. Hopefully the final deal will be announced Tuesday or Wednesday. Personally, I hope the NFL gets it done. As a Redskins fan, Washington stands to benefit the most in 2007 and beyond if the new CBA isn't approved. Without a cap, the Redskins would become the Yankees of the NFL. As much as I would enjoy having the Redskins be the favorites almost every season, it's simply not good for the game (as any baseball fan outside the dump known as NYC will tell you). The NFL needs competitive balance, or only a handfull of teams are going to have a chance at winning. Anyway, more on the Skins, the salary cap and hopefully the new CBA by next weekend.

Quick Pick: Maryland is done. It's not like I've stopped rooting or stopped watching them, like some "fans". But from an objective standpoint, the team has simply packed it in. And they don't play all that well in Chapel Hill.

North Carolina 86
Maryland 71


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